Posted at 11:12 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
I have finally made it back to the trivia fun posts. I hope my readers are still interested in reading these. Some of the trivia still whacko, in my opinion, but nonetheless entertaining.
A child born on Good Friday and baptized on Easter Sunday has a gift of healing. If a boy, he should go into the ministry. |
Cut your hair on Good Friday to prevent headaches in the year to come | |
A person who dies on Good Friday will go right to heaven. | |
Shed no blood on Good Friday, work no wood, hammer no nail. | |
Pulling out a gray or white hair will cause ten more to grow in its place. |
If the palm of your right hand itches it means you will soon be getting money. |
If the palm of your left hand itches it means you will soon be paying out money. | |
A horseshoe, hung above the doorway, will bring good luck to a home. In most of Europe protective horseshoes are placed in a downward facing position, but in some parts of Ireland and Britain people believe that the shoes must be turned upward or "the luck will run out." |
A horseshoe hung in the bedroom will keep nightmares away. | |
If your nose itches you will soon be kissed by a fool. |
If your nose itches Your mouth is in danger. You'll kiss a fool, And meet a stranger. Rub an itch to wood It will come to good. | |
Ivy growing on a house protects the inhabitants from witchcraft and evil. |
A knife as a gift from a lover means that the love will soon end. |
A knife placed under the bed during childbirth will ease the pain of labor. | |
If a friend gives you a knife, you should give him a coin, or your friendship will soon be broken. | |
It will cause a quarrel if knives are crossed at the table. | |
It is bad luck to close a pocket knife unless you were the one who opened it. | |
Knife falls, gentleman calls; Fork falls, lady calls; Spoon falls, baby calls. | |
It's bad luck to leave a project unfinished. The intended recepient will get bad luck from the unfinished item. |
Stabbing your needles though your yarn balls brings bad luck to anyone who wears something made from that yarn. | |
Don't knit a pair of socks for your boyfriend or he'll walk away from you. | |
If you knit one of your own hairs into a garment, it will bind the recipient to you. | |
Knitting for children you may have in the future, but before you are pregnant, is bad luck (it may prevent one from getting pregnant, or bring ill health to the baby). | |
It is bad luck to walk under a ladder. |
If a young girl catches a ladybug and then releases it, the direction in which it flies away will be the direction from which her future husband will come. |
It is bad luck to kill a ladybug. | |
Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. Your house is on fire, Your children all roam. | |
If you catch a falling leaf on the first day of autumn you will not catch a cold all winter. |
Lettuce is believed to have magical and healing properties, including the power to arouse love and counteract the effects of wine. |
Lettuce promotes child bearing if eaten by young women, and certain types of salad can bring on labor in pregnant women. | |
Cross my heart and hope to die, Cut my throat if I tell a lie. |
To dream of a lizard is a sign that you have a secret enemy. |
Posted at 02:35 PM in Just For Fun | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Mother's day is once again upon us and in acknowledgement of the day, I am composing this tribute to my mother. My mom often said (mostly if we had a disagreement), that the day would come when I would wish I could hear her voice reprimanding me. I used to think, "yeah, right." How correct she was, however. What I would give to hear her voice once again!
My mom and I had a special relationship, of sorts and it was established out of necessity in some ways. I became physically challenged at the age of fifteen and my mom, who was a very determined lady, appointed herself as my primary aide and assistant. From that day on, my mom and I remained together until she passed away on May 6, 2007 at the wonderful age of 100 years old. She was truly the "Wind beneath my wings." She encouraged me to push on and never give-in to self-doubts nor to other's opinions of what I chose to do. Mom encouraged me to forge ahead with my education and to become more than I thought I could ever be.
God then turned the table and gave me the opportunity to payback some of what my mom had done for me. She feared "growing old" and being put into a place she did not know. Often, she would ask me to promise her that I would keep her in our home for as long as possible. Because of my career (that she had encouraged), I was earning enough money to hire personnel to assist both of us. I kept my promise to mom. She died in her own room, in her own bed, in her own home.
How does one say thank you to the person who devoted their life to another's well-being? How does one ever stop missing their best friend...their confidant...their mom? I love you, mom, just as much today as I did when you were here with me. Our separation is only temporary and then we will be reunited for eternity with healthy bodies and "forever" on our minds.
A happy Mother's day to all of the gracious ladies out there who have sacrificed and who have taught us how to love.
Posted at 01:47 PM in My Thoughts | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Plants, animals, and food all involve corresponding allergies with which the general populace is familiar. However, due to their very nature, it is entirely possible for humans to develop negative reactions to almost anything on the planet. Allergies are established when the immune system fires itself up over a generally harmless – if not outright helpful – stimulus, such as the aforementioned plants, animals, and food. Thinking the foreign object means to endanger the body, it launches an assault of histamines as a protective measure, resulting in numerous physical upsets ranging from itchy skin to complete anaphylactic shock. The following list compiles a few unexpected, somewhat obscure allergies and analyzes the research behind a few of the sketchier claims, leaving the reader to decide what he or she ultimately makes of it.
It should be noted that anyone who has reason to believe that he or she suffers from an allergy, whether common, uncommon, well-known, or comparatively esoteric, ought to consult a medical professional for a detailed skin test. Doing so serves as an invaluable safeguard against discomfort, illness, and even death.
1. Water
Also known as Aquagenic urticaria, this rare allergy wreaks biological havoc on those suffering from it. Contact with the most abundant substance on the planet results in painful hives, welts, lesions, and rashes on the body that crop up within 5 to 10 minutes. Symptoms persist for anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours and are treated using capsaicin creams instead of the usual antihistamines, as the condition is not caused by histamines like most others of its type. While the actual underlying cause of the allergy remains obscured, many experts believe that individuals for whom it is the sad reality may actually possess ultrasensitive skin reacting more towards additives in the water as opposed to the water itself.
2. Money
Money allergies actually stem from a negative reaction to the nickel used in coinage rather than a most unfortunate aversion to the supposed root of all evil that also somehow simultaneously makes the world go ‘round. It is actually one of the most common instigators of allergy-related dermatitis, but the fact that nickel permeates many levels of existence renders the condition rather unusual. Jewelry makers, for example, must frequently construct wares without the whitish-silver metal to ensure a broader consumer base. Rashes, redness, blisters, bumps, itching, and suddenly dry skin may set in 12 to 48 hours after exposure, and may be exacerbated should the individual sweat during contact. At the moment, there is no steadfast cure aside from trying to avoid nickel whenever possible. However, antihistamines, corticosteroid pills and creams, certain over-the-counter lotions (Mayo Clinic advises avoidance of those ending with the suffix “-caine”, and wet compresses can quell irritation from the symptoms.
3. Apples and birch trees
The bizarre case of Grace Morley was first mentioned in London’s Mirror on April 20, 2009, but has yet to crop up elsewhere. Whether or not this is due to researchers still attempting to make sense of the situation or the fact that the reporting periodical is actually a gossip-centric tabloid (and therefore of questionable accuracy remains to be seen. However, should the allergy prove nonfiction it will easily come to stand as one of the strangest in existence. Morley is not allergic to either apples or birch trees. In spite of this, though, she allegedly reacts quite violently to both when exposed to them in tandem – a claim so bizarrely spectacular that it may very well be true. While many websites are reporting this as fact, the veracity of the paper’s claims must first be confirmed by a reliable medical professional to be considered as such.
4. Vibrations
Unsurprisingly, allergic reactions to vibrations are rather rare. As the name implies, it involves an episode of urticaria induced by vibrations from machinery such as cars and lawnmowers. Like more prolific allergies, it is caused by the body mistaking harmless contact as an attack – with the immune system responding accordingly. Welts, rashes, and other forms of skin irritation usually set in within 5 minutes and persist for hours (or days in extreme cases. Because vibration-induced urticaria comes from histamines, it can be treated in the usual manner with antihistamines, corticosteroids, and calamine lotion.
5. Mobile phones
Some mobile phone allergies may stem from a physical aversion to nickel, but other attacks result from negative reactions to low levels of radiation and microwaves. As rare as it may be, the idea hardly comes as a surprise. With cell phones more or less considered a necessity for professional success and personal interaction, humanity finds itself up close and personal with more electromagnetism, microwaves, and radiation than before. It makes sense that those harboring relatively sensitive skin would contract dermatitis or urticaria from coming into contact with these waves. While the expected redness, itchiness, and welts calm upon using corticosteroids, antihistamines, and the like, these merely serve as short-term solutions to a long-term issue. Radiation shields, handless headsets, and taking advantage of the speakerphone feature available on most phones may potentially alleviate symptoms; however, the only guaranteed method is going without a mobile phone altogether. Unfortunately, those living in a society almost wholly dependent on technology may not be able to realistically do so.
6. Deodorant
This rather inopportune allergy usually comes rooted alongside a corresponding sensitivity to perfumes or other ingredients in the deodorant or antiperspirant itself. Those who play host to sensitivity towards the substances typically suffer from itchy redness and peeling skin, with hives, pustules, painful pimples, and broken, oozing lesions in more severe instances. All of these issues may be treated in the same manner as other allergies. Obviously, a physical resistance to deodorant poses a threat to basic personal hygiene, as the victim cannot be expected to continue using a product that causes discomfort and damage. However, it is never a good idea to traipse about moistly reeking of the inside of a sneaker, either. Some prescription deodorants may prove valuable, though more serious cases ought to consider viable alternatives such as talcum or baby powder. It is advisable for those finding themselves in the latter situation to carry a small bottle or bag of the stuff to re-apply throughout the day as necessary.
7. Kissing
The act of kissing in and of itself does not inherently carry with it an allergic risk, but it does act as a perfect conduit for many others to sow the seeds of discord. Individuals with a high level of physical resistance to some medications, foods, and cosmetics may find themselves uncomfortable or seriously sick if their partners have partaken of their particular poison. Fifteen-year-old Quebec resident Christina Desforges, who suffered from a lethal peanut allergy, succumbed to anaphylactic shock and died in 2005 after kissing her boyfriend. The young man in question had eaten a peanut butter sandwich for lunch earlier and subsequently exposed Desforges to the remains. Many other reports of similar instances around the world – usually resulting more in illness as opposed to death – have been filed as well. Because of this, people with allergies so dire that even secondary contact poses a threat need to communicate openly with their partners as a means of preventing a tragic incident.
8. Shoes
However unusual it may sound, dermatitis resulting from shoe allergies is surprisingly common. Usually, the flaking, irritated skin can be attributed to a negative reaction after contact with chemicals used in the manufacturing of the shoes. Glues, resins, rubber cements, and ingredients for tanning leather are generally the guilty parties and may contain compounds such as formaldehyde, rosin, and chromates. Sweat plays a role in spreading the aggravation all over the foot as well. Fortunately, there are several methods that a victim of shoe allergies can utilize as a means of curbing the pain. Keeping perspiration under control with clean socks, deodorants, and powders helps quite a bit, as do inserts. Those suffering sensitivity to rubber or leather may do well to opt for shoes made of vinyl and other synthetic materials instead.
9. Underwear
As with the shoe allergy, men and women who find themselves grappling against rashes and lesions because of their underwear point fingers towards the fabric used in assembling the garment. Latex and rubber in the waistbands, chemicals used in creating synthetic fabrics such as nylon and lycra, and resins for treating can all cause skin irritations in affected individuals. The easiest solution fortunately exists as the best. After confirming an allergy with a professional skin test, simply seek out undergarments made of materials without the offending constructs. Should a search at local stores ultimately prove fruitless, online retailers such as Cottonique specialize in hypoallergenic clothing.
10. Sunlight
Solar urticaria causes painful hives, rashes, and other skin inflammations after exposure to sunlight. Symptoms usually begin fading within the span of a day, but nevertheless prove a major annoyance and inconvenience for those saddled with them. Prescription antihistamines and corticosteroids can calm the effects or pause them completely. Sunscreens provide a small amount of protection, but still allow some potentially irritating ultraviolet rays to reach the skin and should really only be used as one of many precautionary measures. Wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and comfortable protective clothing typically offer more coverage and safeguarding than sunscreen.
11. Sex
Human seminal plasma hypersensitivity is an extremely rare and difficult to diagnose allergy to male ejaculate. Because the symptoms – usually involving burning sensations, rashes, and welts - overlap with a number of infections (sexually transmitted or otherwise, doctors frequently overlook the possibility in favor of more common explanations. The only real signifier of a semen allergy is that the irritations set in within 10 minutes of contact. Researchers at Beth Israel Medical Center and its parent institution Albert Einstein College of Medicine discovered that desensitization works as a rather successful cure. Men and women suffering from the allergy are advised to attempt regular intercourse every 48 hours, and at least one case was able to achieve success after 5 months of this routine.
12. Pressure
One of the most common classifications of urticaria, dermatographism comes from a negative reaction to varying degrees of pressure. Depending on the severity of the case, anything from a slight touch upwards can trigger an allergic episode. It can either affect the entire body or localized areas. Many individuals stuck with the condition have quite a bit of fun with it, using their bodies as outlets for creative expression by scratching messages and designs into their skin. While a permanent cure has yet to be found, antihistamines usually work well as a treatment option. More serious instances may require some shifts in lifestyle to minimize potentially painful contact.
13. Computers
Individuals who find themselves allergic to their computers have any number of possible factors to blame. Some may suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Others may react poorly to emissions from plastic casings. Still others cannot handle the triphenyl phosphate used as a flame retardant. No matter the root cause, users with computer-related allergies must usually contend with itchy skin irritations, nasal discharge, and headaches – among other symptoms. Sitting within two feet of the monitor only exacerbates the situation. Extreme cases of electromagnetic may even require binoculars to view the screen.
14. Anesthesia
Fortunately, allergies to anesthesia are rather rare. However, it also claims 3.4% of its victims as well. In these fatalities, anaphylactic shock settles in while the patient lay unconscious – a dire situation which anesthesiologists are thankfully trained to quickly catch and treat before a life is claimed. Many hospitals and clinics these days try to test patients for potential negative reactions to anesthesia whenever possible, but that sadly is not the case for individuals in emergency situations. Alternatives do exist for patients who qualify, and those concerned that they may suffer from the allergy ought to consult a medical professional for a skin test as a potentially life-saving measure.
15. Sweat
Most people mistake the mild version of this condition with heat rash. In actuality, situations such as these may not prove an allergic reaction to warm internal or external temperatures at all, but rather the sweat that coats the body as a result. It usually involves painful welts and itchy red skin that develop within minutes and take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours to fully dissipate. It is actually a rather common condition and can be triggered by any activity that activates the sweat glands – even the consumption of spicy foods. However, in spite of its prevalence, doctors struggle with forming a cogent diagnosis because of its frequent overlap with a plethora of other skin and thyroid disorders. If an individual finds him- or herself on the receiving end of a diagnosis, he or she needs to work with a medical professional to determine all possible triggers. Antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, and anabolic steroids may all serve as potential pharmacological solutions in more severe instances, but lifestyle analysis and avoidance of offending situations also play a role in effective treatment as well.
16. Cold
Individuals with cold urticaria break out into annoying itching, redness, and welts after exposure to chilly or frozen conditions. Some may experience swelling in the extremities as well. The most dire cases run the risk of hypotension, but fatalities are fortunately extremely rare. Nevertheless, victims need to minimize their chances of anaphylactic shock by keeping as warm as possible and avoiding as many situations where they may come in contact with the cold as they can manage without severely impacting their social or professional life. This not only includes weather, but swimming pools, air conditioning, chilled food and beverages, IV lines, and even activities which restrict blood flow or produce a cooling sweat. Oral and topical antihistamines can act as valid supplements to bundling up.
17. Heat
On the other side of the coin, it is also possible to suffer from cholinergic (heat urticaria as well. Individuals with the condition complain of the expected welts and stinging, itching, burning, or swelling red skin. Symptoms begin their onset around five minutes following exposure to temperatures above 109.4°F (43°C and usually result from an increase in body heat. Exercise, hot showers, saunas, blankets, jackets, and even spicy foods or intense emotional reactions may all trigger an allergic episode. Antihistamines and beta blockers have both proven successful in quelling the effects of cholinergic urticaria, though some affected persons may have to commit to some changes in habits to stave off the possibility of a severe reaction.
18. Exercise
Because of its striking similarity to both cholinergic urticaria and sweat allergies, exercise urticaria and exercise-induced anaphylaxis make for an incredibly challenging, trying diagnoses. Some individuals may only suffer symptoms when combining exercise with possible triggers – pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs are the most frequent co-conspirators – but others need no further assistance for a reaction to descend. Cholinergic urticaria and sweat allergies alike may also factor into the equation as comorbid conditions that worsen symptoms or, worse, send the victim into anaphylactic shock. Hives, itchy skin, and swelling around the neck, torso, and extremities rear their irritating heads within minutes of completing an exercise routine, if not sooner. They typically stick around between 30 minutes and several hours. Prior to suffering anaphylactic shock, an individual may experience nausea or vomiting, a surreal sense of warmth, a swelling of the throat, and fatigue alongside the other symptoms. An epinephrine kit must be self-administered immediately before unconsciousness overtakes the patient. Individuals aware of their triggers and limitations must practice extreme cautiousness to avoid the possibility of such an awful fate.
19. Hormones
Estrogen and progesterone may potentially cause allergic reactions in women, whose migraines, asthma, and dermatitis are often considered hormone shifts or menstrual symptoms instead. The immune system mistakes these perfectly harmless chemicals as assailants and attacks them as a result, stockpiling an arsenal of antibodies to combat them. Information on the subject is currently available through the National Institutes of Health’s extensive archive of journal articles; however, the medical professionals responsible for developing a solution to the issue have disconcertingly faced a number of censures from the Texas Medical Board. Because of this, the future of the allergy’s acceptance and treatment remain sketchy – assuming that in the end it does prove real.
20. Every food and drink except water
A condition so rare medical science has yet to apply a name to it, much media attention has been dedicated to children so hypersensitive to the world around them that water remains one of the only things incapable of instigating an allergic reaction. Kaleb Bussenschutt is one such case. His diet consists of water, ice, and one specific brand of lemonade, and he must receive the proper nutrients necessary to live through a tube that feeds directly into his stomach. Eating anything else results in agonizing stomach pain and cramps. Bussenschutt gets along physically as a result of 20 hours a day on the feeding tube (it stows away in a backpack so he may move about and be active, but due to extreme rarity of his disorder and the subsequent lack of available research subjects, no cure has yet to surface.
Because of the way allergies operate, it is entirely possible for a human to react negatively to stimuli far beyond the expected plants, animals, and foods. Everything from water to underpants can cause a body to erupt into itchy hives, rashes, and – tragically – far worse. In order to safeguard against allergies, individuals must tune in to their bodies and understand how it reacts to certain environmental factors. Those who notice a pattern of symptoms associated with specific situations and contacts ought to seek the counsel of an allergist or other medical professional for a skin test. Such measures greatly reduce the risk of inconvenience, inflammation, illness, and even death by anaphylactic shock.
Posted at 02:15 PM in Medicine/Medical | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
What is your greatest need? Is it a better job? Increase income? More time for yourself or your family? Allthough you may have these needs or others like them, they are not your greatest need. Your greatest need is salvation.
Salvation is our greates need because sin isn't an false step every once in awhile. In truth, we are sin-full, and we can't just stop sinning. Because we are sinners, we cannot train ourselves to turn away from sin. To cope with sin, we don't need a few steps on overcomming sin. A program on how to reform our lives won't stop us from sinning. Truthfully, we need to be saved, or rescued, from our sin, and that is why we need Jesus. Our greatest need is salvation, the rescue from sin found in Christ alone.
There is no question as to whether the believer of Christ is saved. Christ is salvation. We dont have to say, "I think I will be saved" or "I hope I will be saved." Through Christ, we now are saved and we will be saved because He earned our salvation on the cross and by His Gospel calls us to be His own dear child. As such, we are set free to thank and praise, serve and obey.
A short prayer:
Loving Lord, my greatest need is Your salvation. Help me always to treasure rightly this priceless gift. Amen.
Resource: Portals of Prayer, January-March 2009
Posted at 07:54 PM in Religion | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Pick a dandelion that has gone to seed. Take a deep breath and blow the seeds into the wind. Count the seeds that remain on the stem. That is the number of children you will have. |
Superstitions about death |
A dog howling at night when someone in the house is sick is a bad omen. |
It's bad luck to leave a house through a different door than the one used to come into it. |
If your right ear itches, someone is speaking well of you. |
If your left ear itches, someone is speaking ill of you. | |
Left for love and right for spite: Left or right, good at night. | |
For good luck throughout the year, wear new clothes on Easter. |
Pictures of an elephant bring luck, but only if they face a door. |
If your right eye twitches there will soon be a birth in the family. If the left eye twitches there will soon be a death in the family. |
To cure a sty, stand at a crossroads and recite Sty, sty, leave my eye Take the next one coming by. | |
If an eyelash falls out, put it on the back of the hand, make a wish and throw it over your shoulder. If it flies off the hand the wish will be granted. |
It is bad luck to cut your fingernails on Friday or Sunday. |
Fingernail cuttings should be saved, burned, or buried. | |
A fish should always be eaten from the head toward the tail. |
Dream of fish: someone you know is pregnant. | |
Throw back the first fish you catch then you'll be lucky the whole day fishing. |
If you count the number of fish you caught, you will catch no more that day. | |
It's bad luck to say the word "pig" while fishing at sea. | |
It brings bad luck for a flag to touch the ground. |
First Flower of Spring: The day you find the first flower of the season can be used as an omen: Monday means good fortune, |
If the bottom of your right foot itches, you are going to take a trip. |
To drop a fork means a man is coming to visit. |
A bed changed on Friday will bring bad dreams. | |
Any ship that sails on Friday will have bad luck. | |
You should never start a trip on Friday or you will meet misfortune. | |
Never start to make a garment on Friday unless you can finish it the same day. | |
how did Friday the thirteenth become such an unlucky day? | |
fear of Friday the 13th is rooted in ancient, separate bad-luck associations with the number 13 and the day Friday. The two unlucky entities combine to make one super unlucky day. | |
There is a Norse myth about 12 gods having a dinner party at Valhalla, their heaven. In walked the uninvited 13th guest, the mischievous Loki. Once there, Loki arranged for Hoder, the blind god of darkness, to shoot Balder the Beautiful, the god of joy and gladness, with a mistletoe-tipped arrow. Balder died and the Earth got dark. The whole Earth mourned. | |
There is a Biblical reference to the unlucky number 13. Judas, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th guest to the Last Supper. | |
A particularly bad Friday the 13th occurred in the middle ages. On a Friday the 13th in 1306, King Philip of France arrested the revered Knights Templar and began torturing them, marking the occasion as a day of evil. | |
In ancient Rome, witches reportedly gathered in groups of 12. The 13th was believed to be the devil. | |
Both Friday and the number 13 were once closely associated with capital punishment. In British tradition, Friday was the conventional day for public hangings, and there were supposedly 13 steps leading up to the noose. | |
It is traditionally believed that Eve tempted Adam with the apple on a Friday. Tradition also has it that the Flood in the Bible, the confusion at the Tower of Babel, and the death of Jesus Christ all took place on Friday. | |
Numerologists consider 12 a "complete" number. There are 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, and 12 apostles of Jesus. In exceeding 12 by 1, 13's association with bad luck has to do with just being a little beyond completeness. | |
FRIDAY THE 13TH - how is fear of the number thirteen demonstarted? | |
More than 80 percent of high-rises lack a 13th floor. | |
Many airports skip the 13th gate. | |
Airplanes have no 13th aisle. | |
Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room number 13. | |
Italians omit the number 13 from their national lottery. | |
On streets in Florence, Italy, the house between number 12 and 14 is addressed as 12 and a half. | |
Many cities do not have a 13th Street or a 13th Avenue | |
In France, socialites known as the quatorziens (fourteeners) once made themselves available as 14th guests to keep a dinner party from an unlucky fate. | |
Many triskaidekaphobes, as those who fear the unlucky integer are known, point to the ill-fated mission to the moon, Apollo 13. | |
If you have 13 letters in your name, you will have the devil's luck . Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Theodore Bundy and Albert De Salvo all have 13 letters in their names. | |
A frog brings good luck to the house it enters. |
The dried body of a frog worn in a silk bag around the neck averts epilepsy and other fits. Resource: Trivia | |
Posted at 07:10 PM in Just For Fun | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Here are more superstitions, "wive-tales", "myths" or whatever you choose to call them. Again, it is up to you to pick and choose what you accept or reject.
If a candle lighted as part of a ceremony blows out, it is a sign that evil spirits are nearby. |
If the first calf born during the winter is white, the winter will be a bad one. |
If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it. |
Keep cats away from babies because they "suck the breath" of the child. | |
A cat onboard a ship is considered to bring luck. | |
If your cheeks suddenly feel on fire, someone is talking about you. |
If you get a chill up your back or goosebumps, it means that someone is walking over your grave. |
It's very lucky to meet a chimney sweep by chance. Make a wish when sighting one, and the wish will come true. |
It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same match. |
Evil spirits can't harm you when you stand inside a circle. |
If a clock which has not been working suddenly chimes, there will be a death in the family. |
It's good luck to find a four-leaf clover. |
Clover protects human beings and animals from the spell of magicians and the wiles of fairies, and brings good luck to those who keep it in the house. | |
It's bad luck to pick up a coin if it's tails side up. Good luck comes if it's heads up. |
To drop a comb while you are combing your hair is a sign of a coming disappointment. |
To cure a cough: take a hair from the coughing person's head, put it between two slices of buttered bread, feed it to a dog, and say, "Eat well you hound, may you be sick and I be sound." |
Cows lifting their tails is a sure sign that rain is coming. |
Don't step on a crack on a sidewalk or walkway. |
Step on a crack Break your mother's back. | |
A cricket in the house brings good luck. |
One's bad, Resource: Trivia
Posted at 05:42 PM in Just For Fun | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I have always been fascinated by trivia and by superstitions. Some people refer to them as, "Old Wives Tales", and while many have emanated from jabbering old wives, they still hold my interest and many people will adamantly attest to their validity. I will do a few "installments" of trivia/superstition over the next few days and you can decide for yourself which are worthy of keeping and which need to be permanently trashed. I found a resource that presents them alphabetically, so I will simply utilize their format for ease of presenting them, as well as reading them.
An acorn should be carried to bring luck and ensure a long life. |
An acorn at the window will keep lightning out | |
Amber beads, worn as a necklace, can protect against illness or cure colds. |
Seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose or hold your breath until you see a black or a brown dog. |
Touch your toes Touch your nose Never go in one of those Until you see a dog. | |
Think of five or six names of boys or girls you might marry, As you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry the person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off. |
An apple a day Keeps the doctor away. |
If you cut an apple in half and count how many seeds are inside, you will also know how many children you will have. | |
To predict the sex of a baby: Suspend a wedding band held by a piece of thread over the palm of the pregnant girl. If the ring swings in an oval or circular motion the baby will be a girl. If the ring swings in a straight line the baby will be a boy. |
Spit on a new bat before using it for the first time to make it lucky |
It's bad luck to put a hat on a bed. |
If you make a bedspread, or a quilt, be sure to finish it or marriage will never come to you | |
Placing a bed facing north and south brings misfortune. | |
You must get out of bed on the same side that you get in or you will have bad luck. | |
When making the bed, don't interrupt your work, or you will spend a restless night in it. | |
If a bee enters your home, it's a sign that you will soon have a visitor. If you kill the bee, you will have bad luck, or the visitor will be unpleasant. |
A swarm of bees settling on a roof is an omen that the house will burn down. | |
The sound of bells drives away demons because they're afraid of the loud noise. |
When a bell rings, a new angel has received his wings. | |
A bird in the house is a sign of a death. |
If a robin flies into a room through a window, death will shortly follow. | |
Monday's child is fair of face; | |
If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake with the first puff you will get your wish. |
The Blarney Stone is a stone set in the wall of the Blarney Castle tower in the Irish village of Blarney. Kissing the stone is supposed to bring the kisser the gift of persuasive eloquence (blarney.) |
To protect yourself from witches, wear a blue bead. |
Touch blue And your wish Will come true. | |
Before slicing a new loaf of bread, make the sign of the cross on it. |
A loaf of bread should never be turned upside down after a slice has been cut from it. |
If you say good-bye to a friend on a bridge, you will never see each other again. |
Do not lean a broom against a bed. The evil spirits in the broom will cast a spell on the bed. |
If you sweep trash out the door after dark, it will bring a stranger to visit. | |
If someone is sweeping the floor and sweeps over your feet, you'll never get married. | |
Never take a broom along when you move. Throw it out and buy a new one. | |
To prevent an unwelcome guest from returning, sweep out the room they stayed in immediately after they leave. Resource: - Trivia | |
Posted at 06:04 PM in Just For Fun | Permalink | Comments (17) | TrackBack (0)
According to new research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, High-calorie drinks are worse for the waistline than high-calorie foods. So if you are thinking of grabbing a refreshing, silky-smooth milkshake think again before you touch that straw.
The brain doesn't register drinks as filling, so we are more inclined to overindulge when we have a thirst for such treats. For example, a milkshake contains 750-1000 calories, which represents half of a person's daily requirement. But the brain tallies those calories-as well as those in sugar-sweetened soda-as thirst quenchers instead of hunger satisfiers.
Doctor Liwei Chen, who is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "It probable has to do with the fact that you're not chewing it and it doesn't produce enough of a signal to the brain." Such a signal would tell the brain to inform the rest of the body that it has consumed enough calories, and it's time to stop eating.
Another problem with high-calorie drinks, particularly sodas, is that they provide "empty calories." "They lack essential nutrients," According to Dr. Benjamin Caballero, with the Bloomberg School's Department of International Health. In other words, at the end of the day, you might be short on everything from iron to calcium even though you have consumed much as 2000 calories.
Nutritional Director at WebMD, Kathleen M. Zelman states that we are often called an over fed but undernourished nation, so when you choose your beverages, choose ones that help you meet your nutritional needs."
Sugar-sweetened sodas in particular and fast food in general do not meet those needs. For example, a hamburger and fries-roughly 1,500 calories, depending on the size-provide about 300 milligrams of calcium. The daily requirements is 1,000 milligrams, Caballero says. Milk is harder to categorize. It contains high levels of calcium and vitamin D, both essential nutrients, particularly for a growing body. However, dairy for adults is controversial because of its high fat and cholesterol content, Chen says. She recommends skim milk.
Fruit juice-the 100-percent-fruit kind-also contains nutrients. Even so, Caballero and Chen advise limiting juice intake because of the high calorie and sugar content.
"The best thing to do is drink water and eat whole fruit. That way, you get the essential nutrients, and you get fiber," Chen says
Coffee and tea? Sure. Just don't include sugar. Alcoholic drinks? Not so much. They often contain cram or sugar.
As far as diet sodas go, they are better than sugar-sweetened ones, but they're still problematic because they condition the body to crave more sweets, Chen says.
About 75 percent of the U.S. population will be overweight or obese by 2015, Caballero says, spurring the quest of doctors and other public health officials to find fast-acting solutions that are easy to implement.
Caballero and Chen offer a succinct, blunt solution: Dump the soda and stick with water.
In the end, cutting back on sugary soda can make a big difference-15 pounds in some cases. "It might not sound like a lot. But 3,500 calories equals 1 pound of fat." Zelman says. "So, if you cut 150 calories a day for 23 days, you lose 1 pound." Losing one pound every 23 days would equal 15 pounds in a year.
Resource: NEWSMAX August 2009, Healthy Living
Posted at 04:13 PM in Health | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
I hope everyone is able to view this spectacular creation. Give it time to load so it runs smoothly.
The main tank called the "Kuroshio Sea" holds 7,500-cubic meters (1,981,290 gallons) of water and features the world's second largest acrylic glass panel, measuring 8.2 meters by 22.5 meters with a thickness of 60 centimeters. Whale sharks and manta rays are kept amongst many other fish species in the main tank.
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